
Sistema Financeiro Quântico.


 Publicado 2 de setembro de 2019 por Edward Morgan.



O Sistema Financeiro Quântico (QFS) é avançado sem qualquer equivalente, políticos e banqueiros foram apanhados em flagrante, presos e enviados para o Gitmo em Cuba para reparar seus crimes em tempo real, então o esttdo profundo (Deep State) está desaparecendo e o GESARA está perto. Cada país deve estar em conformidade com a GESARA para participar do QFS.

O QFS acaba com o corrupto banco central da Cabal. O sistema QFS cobrirá a nova rede global de transferência de ouro ou dinheiro lastreado em ativos, iniciado pela Rússia e China para substituir o sistema Swift, controlado centralmente pelos EUA.

Esse novo QFS roda em um computador quântico, baseado em um satélite em órbita, e é protegido pelos programas espaciais secretos para garantir que não possa ser invadido. A tecnologia quântica foi fornecida por ETs galácticos benevolentes. O objetivo do novo sistema financeiro é pôr fim à corrupção, usura e manipulação da Cabala no mundo bancário. A chave é implementar limitações que impeçam os bancos corrompidos de obter lucros significativos.

O QFS é completamente independente do sistema centralizado...

Tags: alianca galactica da terra, banco central, cabala, cabala corrupta, dinheiro ilegal, edward morgan, escravidao por dvidas, estado profundo, galctico, gcr, gesara, idade de ouro, moedas criptograficas, programas espaciais secretos, qfs

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Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for June 12, 2019


Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for June 12, 2019.

Posted by sananda.website.

June 12th, 2019




(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation of the world based on intelligence received from several sources which may or may not be accurate or truthful.)
The recent deaths of former officials and HRC’s brother are attempts by the Deep State Cabal to cover their tracks.
The Earth Alliance is in full control of Deutsche Bank (DB).
The collapse of DB will be initiated to trigger the crash of the stock markets and eventually the ultimate collapse of the fiat financial system.
The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) will then be implemented to stabilize the global economy.
The expected time frame for the RV to begin is before DB collapses.
The Earth Alliance will be overseeing the private redemption of RV basket currencies with their own security methods.
All exchanges will be transacted through the QFS.
All accounts will be monitored by the QFS.
All redeemer’s funds will not become immediately available until after the transition.
Funds will be...

Tags: gcr, intel alert, operation disclosure, rv

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Operation Disclosure: GCR/RV Intel Alert for October 31, 2018



Operation Disclosure:

GCR/RV Intel Alert,

October 31, 2018

RV/INTELLIGENCE ALERT – October 31, 2018
(Disclaimer: The following is an overview of the current situation based on intelligence leaks received from several sources which may or may not accurate. Other confirmed sources may also be included in this overview.)
The stock market continues to show signs of instability which will ultimately lead to a crash.
The new Quantum Financial System (QFS) has been active since the beginning of October and is ready to replace the old fiat financial system once it collapses.
Paid actors and rioters are expected to cause chaos in the streets when the US Democratic party loses the mid-term election.
Various democratic party officials will be exposed of their crimes.
A purge operation on the Cabal and their malevolent ET masters is scheduled for 11/11/18.
If the Cabal and their masters do not surrender on 11/11/18; the purge operation will begin and it will be public.
Their failure to surrender will result in their total demise.
The old fiat financial system is expected to crash at any moment.
Once it crashes, the private redemption event (RV)...

Tags: cabal, disclosure, gcr, intel alert, operation disclosure, rv

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RV/GCR Course Correction ~ Ron Giles.


RV/GCR Course Correction.

By Ron Giles.

September 18, 2018. 





Did you get the memo? We are no longer in the, Exchange Scenario. We are in the Zim Redemption Scenario. The old course was taking us to the 20% – 80% where we can only spend up to one Billion on ourselves. This old thinking was done, “to us,” so that the little slaves, the ones that want to be like the rich kids and buy everything in the world they don’t need, will have to be controlled and channeled into being of service to mankind. This the old thinking has been replaced by, Sovereign Thinking, where we have our own stewardship to oversee and make our own choices as to what we want to do and what we want to accomplish. This is called Stewardship Responsibility. Put a death grip on that concept and don’t let go.
Guidelines are replacing the limiting Rules and Regulations, like the Commandment-to-Love-One-Another, replaces the Law of Moses with its eye for eye mentality. Did we really get that memo two thousand years ago? Do we really get it now?
Is it so hard to see the limiting concepts and...

Tags: gcr, ron giles, rv

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