Saudações. Somos o Conselho Arcturiano. Temos o prazer de nos ligar a todos vós.
Estamos a dar-lhe muito mais, agora que nos mostrou que pode lidar com mais. Somos capazes de calibrar as transmissões energéticas com muita precisão, e também sabemos quanto do que transmitimos é absorvido por todos vós. Estamos a prestar atenção. Também podemos ver quanto do que vos estamos a dar é utilizado, e quando vos entregamos certas energias que levam algum tempo a colocar no domínio físico, sabemos que temos então a oportunidade de nos sentar e observar. Gostamos sempre de ver o que faz com as energias que lhe transmitimos, porque não sabemos como utilizará o seu livre arbítrio de um momento para o outro.
Podemos dizer-lhe que está a mover as energias através dos seus corpos físicos maravilhosamente tarde, e isso é muito encorajador para nós e para todos os outros que o estão a observar e a traçar o seu desenvolvimento. Têm muito a esperar lá na Terra, mas também têm...
Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events.
This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom.
This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing.
This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper.
What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling?
Awake and aware?
Asleep at the wheel?
We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, attempting to hide behind the current manufactured crisis events.
Connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in...
Humanity is in the midst of a hidden intergalactic conflict over personal sovereignty and spiritual freedom that is becoming increasingly visible in the physical material world when observing the current global events.
This is a time of heightened spiritual warfare against all aspects of human freedom.
This crisis event is a major milestone in the ascension timeline in which we must look deeply into our authentic core self and ask our inner spiritual guidance for the answers when addressing the greater problems humanity is facing.
This is a collective dark night of the soul transition forcing us to look deeper.
What kind of person do you want to be in the midst of the turmoil that is happening during the manufactured global crisis that is unraveling?
Awake and aware?
Asleep at the wheel?
We must be willing to overcome fear and denial and to be potentially very uncomfortable when seeing the ugly truths staring us in the face, attempting to hide behind the current manufactured crisis events.
Connecting the dots of the disinformation campaigns being deployed in order to...
Tech giants, fake news media in a panic over losing Sec. 230 monopoly overall online speech
Tech giants, fake news media in a panic over losing Sec. 230 monopoly overall online speech
By Mike Adams.
Now that Trump has declared war against censorship and the evil techno-fascists (Google, Apple, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Vimeo, etc.), the corporate-controlled media is totally freaking out. They're about to lose monopoly control over all the public debates about vaccines, 5G, chemtrails, pesticides, GMOs, abortion, and politics. Once the "Berlin Wall" of Big Tech censorship is torn down, We the People can flood into the public arena and educate everyone about all the topics that matter to humanity's future.
Tech giants, fake news media in PANIC over Trump’s targeting of Sec. 230; ending “viewpoint censorship” would crush fake news media’s propaganda monopolies on vaccines, 5G and GMOs
(Natural News) The techno-fascist “Big Tech” information gatekeepers have relied on sec. 230 of the Communications Decency Act to allow the fake news media (mainstream media – CNN, NBC, MSNBC, NYT, WashPost, etc.) to monopolize all the debates on issues of grave concern for human health and long-term human sustainability. Thanks to the selective “viewpoint censorship” actively carried out by Google, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter,...