Battlefield America: As The COVID Story Falls Apart, A New Crisis Takes Ove.


Battlefield America: 

As The COVID Story Falls Apart, A New Crisis Takes Ove.

By Spiro Skouras.

May 31, 2020, by Edward Morgan.




For months the global health pandemic known as the coronavirus or COVID-19 has been dominating the headlines while drastically changing the lives of billions of people around the world. With unprecedented restrictions of people’s fundamental human rights, while simultaneously destroying the global economy, what is really going on?
Many have questioned the response from governments and global institutions such as the World Health Organization from the very beginning. Now, the CDC admits the mortality rate of the virus is much lower than previously projected, but the question remains why are we all still on lockdown?
Although the question for the need of continued lockdowns is now more important than ever, it seems to be lost as we are witnessing massive civil unrest spread across the US just as quickly as we were told the virus was spreading.
Are these protests spontaneous? Or is there an outside force facilitating the unrest, as we seem to be entering the second stage of a much larger operation? Is this the stage between phase one and phase two...

Tags: america, battlefield, economy, edward morgan, new crisis, spiro skouras, virus

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