London Olympics & Satanic Ritual Symbolism

Paul McGuire



Aug. 21, 2012

During the recent Olympics in Great Britain, the Illuminati communicated, through Satanic rituals and symbols, an occult message to a global audience. According to Nielsen Media Research, 4.7 billion viewers worldwide (approximately 70% of the global population) viewed it. Although, the vast majority of the audience did not consciously understand the symbols and rituals, many sensed something ominous, disturbing and dark. Once people are informed as to what the symbolism and rituals were all about, they were both scared and horrified that these powerful and elite groups exist and the dark plans they have for mankind.

A growing number of people are starting to understand that there is a Satanic and global secretive global elite who are in control of global finance, culture, science and politics. The door to this higher level understanding can begin with something as simple as explaining who the Illuminati are and their symbolism on the back of the U.S. dollar. The occult pyramid with the all-seeing eye of Lucifer which has the actual words “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” which means New Order of the Ages, or New World Order. The light bulb goes on and they begin to see through the doorway of ever increasing understanding. People seem to sense that the global financial system is being manipulated. Due to the internet, millions of people are beginning to understand the relationship between the Illuminati and the international banking families who control the Federal Reserve.

However, despite these positive trends, the majority of Americans are in a mass hypnotic state. They have been brainwashed and live in a level of unconsciousness, completely unaware of what is really going on. One of the primary evidences that an individual is brainwashed is that no matter how logical an argument is and how many facts you bring up, they completely reject it, often react with anger and attack you as a conspiracy theorist, which is what they have been programmed to do.

Starting in the late 1800s, the Illuminati developed highly sophisticated brainwashing and occult-based mind control sciences which enabled them to control the thinking of much of the world and even entire nations. Fabian socialists, and very possibly agents of British intelligence like Aldous Huxley, H.G. Wells and George Orwell, all wrote science fiction novels tha predict a future where all citizens are controlled by scientific brainwashing.

Interestingly, the Tavistock Institute in Great Britain developed the science of mind control, with the help of Sigmund Freud and other scientists. These methodologies of mind control spread to the most elite universities and think tanks, to be used in the U.S. Adolph Hitler and the Third Reich, which was heavily involved in Satanism and the occult, developed the brutal, but effective, trauma-based mind control, that used powerful drugs, torture, sexual abuse and Satanic rituals to program people. After World War II, the U.S. brought in nine thousand of Nazi scientists under Operation Paperclip, who specialized in rocket science and mind control science. Today, the average person has no idea how advanced the science of mind control has become.

The great secret is that the Nazi scientists brought with them their occult and Satanist beliefs and that the science of mind control and Satanic rituals often go hand in hand. This science of occult-based mind control has been used to break down the family unit, promote sexual immorality, destroy the Christian belief system and patriotism and establish a new occult and Luciferian religious system. The counter culture of the 1960s, the sexual revolution, the feminist movement, the use of drugs and the mass acceptance of New Age and occult religions did not happen spontaneously! The British music invasion of the 1960s-1970s with their records, radio, promotion of drugs, so-called free sex, the occult and eastern mystical religions, was a planned psychological warfare operation. It was not an accident that the clean-cut Beatles evolved into a vehicle for promoting drugs, sex, anarchy and the occult. It was not an accident that there are numerous occult messages in their albums, or that the picture of Aleister Crowley, the world famous and influential Satanist, who called himself the Beast 666, has his picture on the Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album. Satanism and the occult are all over the albums and the rock groups. These include the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, whose lead singer was a follower of Aliester Crowley and now lives in Crowley’s former mansion. Dr. Timothy Leary, who promoted LSD to millions, claimed to be the new Aliester Crowley.

The blatant occult symbols used in the Olympics in Great Britain this past week sent out the message that the elite (and that means the financial elite inside the City of London, which is a city within a city, like the Vatican City in Rome) are now tightening the noose on America by deliberately destroying the dollar and the net worth of the American middle class, as they are in Europe and other nations of the world, in order to usher in the one world economic system, one world government and one world religion the global elites have been planning for centuries. Ironically, all of this was predicted by the prophet Daniel, the Apostle Paul, Jesus Christ and the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation.

Many people dismiss these occult rituals as ignorant, meaningless and merely superstitious rituals. That is a very dangerous misconception! True Satanic and occult rituals, that go back before the Flood and were heavily practiced in Canaan and in Babylon, open portals into other dimensions which allow the access of the Kosmokratos or world rulers, who existed before the Flood of Noah and were reunited under the leadership of Nimrod during the time of the Tower of Babel to have powerful influences over world events. The Tower of Babel was a highly advanced technological instrument that acted as a star gate which opened portals into another dimension. The symbols from the Tower of Babel are peppered all over the EU and are in reflected in the architecture and symbols of Washington D.C. These same symbols were heavily employed at the Olympics and its opening and closing ceremonies, in particular.

The purpose of the true church, regardless of denomination, is to host the Restrainer, the Holy Spirit and restrain evil and the spirit of antichrist from taking control of a nation. This did not happen in Nazi Germany in the 1930s because the church was compromised by false doctrine promoted by the German schools of higher criticism, which taught pastors that there was nothing miraculous in the Bible. This teaching made the church powerless, as any false doctrine always does. Yet, at the same time, the secret occult societies were teaching people that their rituals can produce all kinds of supernatural power. Today, the Church in America, Great Britain, the EU and other nations, is replicating what happened to the church in Nazi Germany. They are substituting the supernatural power of God with humanistic and psychological motivation sermons, which are powerless against the supernatural forces of the occult!

The economic conditions in America and Europe today are also very similar to what happened in Nazi Germany in the 1930s. The church has been seduced by psychological humanism, which severs its access to the supernatural power of God. In addition, we see the pattern of collective denial in motion, with people essentially saying, “It can’t happen here.” History shows us the timeline in Nazi Germany and where this process will lead to. The lesson from history and the Bible is that when the church and its people have no clear sense of right and wrong and do not occupy spiritually, occult powers will take over a society and culture. Occult powers are satanic and historically they lead to specific things happening.

When powerful symbols of the occult and satanic worship are openly displayed before hundreds of millions of people, it is a spiritual indicator, or warning of what is to come.

The “sons of God,” referred to in Genesis Chapter 6, established a highly advanced, occult-based civilization before the Flood. The legends of Atlantis, Thule and Hyperborea, along with the monolithic ruins of Babylon, the Great Pyramid, the Sphinx, Mayan and Incan ruins, Stonehenge, Titicaca and countless other archeological evidences above and now under the water, testify to the existence of civilizations so advanced, that they must have had access to information from another dimension beyond this world. [In addition, this super race of god-men referred to as the “sons of God,” in Genesis 6, who mated with the daughters of men, have interbred genetically with the human race. They are known as the B’nai Elohim, who produced the Nephilim. They are referred to with such names as the Sumerian gods, the giants of old, the Anakim, aliens and are described in the legends of countless cultures. A common theme is repeated over and over again, with minor changes in names. The ancient civilizations all refer to a super race of god-men. The legends of the god-men are found in the Nordic, Atlantean, Babylonian, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Incan, Native American Indian and other civilizations. The legends share come common themes, in that they claim that this race of supermen, or gods, came from the stars and possessed higher forms of intelligence and technology. In reality, these are the principalities and powers referred to in the Bible in Ephesians 6:12-19 which operate in another dimension.

It is possible that there are bloodline families that originated from Sumeria, Babylon, Canaan and Egypt. If that is the case, they would be the genetic descendants of an ancient priest class that is known as “Mystery Babylon.” The primary occult symbol of the Olympics would be the lighted torch, or the flame of illumination, which is the ancient symbol of the Illuminati. Some historians believe that the population of planet earth exceeded over 7 billion people before the Flood of Noah.

When you read the account of the Noah, the Ark and Flood from a modern scientific perspective, it is very obvious that this is a story about maintaining a specific genetic line and DNA. The God of the Bible is literally wiping out the DNA of mankind and the animals, with the exception of a limited number of people and animals who apparently had DNA that was not spiritually corrupted.

This interpretation would explain why God wiped out almost everything alive in the Flood. It also gives meaning to the words of Jesus Christ when He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so it will in the days of the coming of the son of man.” What Jesus Christ is saying is that in addition to the world being wicked and violent, the time period immediately preceding His return would see a marked increase in the number and level of Nephilim produced through interspecies breeding. The Rockefeller Foundation in the 1920s experimented with the science of eugenics and attempted to promote the abortion of people groups that they perceived as having inferior DNA and breed a master race. This was what Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood and abortion is really all about.

Hitler believed that the super race was to come from the blonde haired and blue eyed Nordic races, that he believed were the genetic descendants of the race of god-men who came from the stars and settled in the legendary island of Thule and an underground civilization near the south pole in Antarctica. The German philosopher Nietzsche promoted the concept of the ubermensch or superman. Hitler took all these ideas and mixed with his occult beliefs set out to breed a master race.

All the ancient occult mystery religions, which originated in ancient Babylon, seem to have passed on similar secret teachings of supernatural knowledge, power and advanced technology passed from one generation to the next within secret occult family bloodlines. The Greek philosopher Plato wrote of the advanced pre-Flood civilization of Atlantis and Sir Francis Bacon, a leader in the occult Rosicrucian society, believed that America was to become the New Atlantis and head of a New World Order. The powerful symbols In Washington D.C. seem to support that theory. The phallic symbol the Washington Monument, with the womb-like dome of the nation’s capitol, mirrors the phallic

Egyptian obelisk in St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican, with its dome-womb of St.Peter’s basilica. In America, it appears there was a great spiritual battle that was fought among our Founding Fathers, many of whom were Freemasons and almost all of whom were Christians. Today, the spiritual conflict between the Illuminati and the Remnant church, is now engaged in all-out spiritual warfare.

The occult-elite who rule our world, under the power of Lucifer, have sent out coded messages through the symbols that dominate America’s architecture, media, art, film, science and politics. For those who understand the teachings of Bible prophecy, those symbols of the mystery religions have now converged to give mankind a final warning of what is about to come and what our response should be.

For those who remain skeptical of the occult symbolism that clearly was a central theme of the Olympic Games opening and closing ceremonies, consider the fact that the Olympics began with an orchestra playing a piece actually called, “Nimrod,” by Enigma Variations. Nimrod was the legendary ruler who built the Tower of Babel. Babel was the first one world and occult government that God judged! Why would the orchestra play a musical piece entitled, “Nimrod,” in light of the countless occult symbols at the Olympics that made reference to Babylon?

“Mystery, Babylon the Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth.” -Revelation 17:5

Additionally at the Olympics, there was a green image of a British meadow with a tree that was raised on a hill. Was this the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden? Since the first two first two songs played appeared to be themed around Babylon and Jerusalem, is it possible that the green hill may have represented the tree of life and the ancient Tower of Babylon? In the Olympic ceremony, the ancient descendants of Babylon were walking down from the tree; they may have represented the elite behind the New World Order.

The Maypole dance at the Olympics is an ancient occult and pagan dance. It is based on a fertility rite in the worship of pagan gods. The Maypole represents the male principle (the phallus) and the ribbons represent the female principle, with the virgins of the goddess Isis. Isis is named after Semiramis, who was Nimrod’s wife. This goes back to ancient Babylon and the occult societies of Nazi Germany, who employed the Maypole dance with their youth to lure them into their occult practices and deceptions.

After the Olympic bell was rung, a song named “Jerusalem” was sung by a young boy before he was joined by a children’s choir.

“And did those feet in ancient time walk upon England’s mountains green? And was the holy Lamb of God on England’s pleasant pastures seen? And did the countenance divine shine forth upon our clouded hills? And was Jerusalem builded here among these dark Satanic Mills?

The children’s choir continued to sing as a man read from Shakespeare’s “The Tempest.”

Professor James Shapiro, an English professor at Columbia University, commented, “Why you would someone choose Caliban’s lines as — in a sense — a kind of anthem for the Olympics?, I’m not sure. Why give him the lines Shakespeare wrote for a half-man, half-beast?” This is an honest intellectual question from a secular professor.

Is it possible that the beast-man that was seen at the Olympics symbolized the revival of interspecies breeding that is going on in laboratories between alien, animal and human DNA? The central scientific thrust of our time involves Transhumanism or inter-species breeding. The genetic creation of a superman is what Rockefeller and Hitler were doing with the science of eugenics. Jesus Christ said, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.” Luke 17:26

Historians have noted the similarities between Shakespeare’s final work and the famous occultist Francis Bacon’s final book, “New Atlantis.” It was Francis Bacon who planned for America to be the “New Atlantis,” or the new Babylon, where a world ruler in the tradition of Nimrod would arise to establish a New World Order emanating from Washington D.C.

William Shakespeare’s, “The Tempest” and Bacon’s, "New Atlantis," predict societies that are ruled by an elite, or are made gods through secret and occult knowledge! This finds its roots all the way back in Nimrod and ancient Babylon.

The global occult message sent out from the Olympics in Great Britain, is in actuality, a declaration of war against those of us of humanity who will not worship Lucifer. This is the final showdown in mankind’s history. No matter what your religious beliefs, you are going to have to choose sides. Are you going to worship Lucifer in the rising Babylonian system or worship what is good and of God?

There is no middle ground; this is precisely what is going on behind the scenes at every level of conflict in our world. I would like to challenge you to learn what you can about the nature of this conflict from credible sources. Then you must make your choice, I am speaking in a spiritual sense, within the constraints of abiding to the law and peaceful change. But you must realize that you will either choose to join the armies of the light or the armies of the dark. Depending upon your choice, you will know what to do. There are a lot of men and women, who have deceived themselves into thinking they can conduct themselves in one way and still remain, part of the armies of the light.

Do not be deceived, the God of light is not mocked; you will reap what you sow. Do not mistake the patience of the personal living God of the universe as powerlessness or impotence. Time is quickly running out and every man will be known by his actions, not by his mere words! There will be a point in time that will come suddenly and without notice, when the unlimited force of God will completely take over this world system. It does not matter what you profess with your mouth, your denomination, or if you have some kind of church affiliation. All such affiliations will mean absolutely nothing to God!

Millions of people have deceived themselves. The personal living God of the universe will know exactly who or what you are really serving by what is in your heart and the evidence of your actions. We live in a temporary time period, when people are in such spiritual deception, that they think they will not be accountable. If you are wise, you should tremble at the thought of what I am talking about. Remember you have been warned that suddenly without any notice you will be seized as if by a violent force. The very dimensional nature of reality will change in an instant and what you really are will be made evident. Then, whether you like it or not, many will experience a violent transition from one dimension or another and you will serve your master, whoever you chose that to be, forever! A sane man should tremble at those words because of what they imply. However, depending upon the choices you have made, you have nothing to fear. There should be a great hope and promise of the future!

Hope to see you there!

Paul McGuire: radio talk show host, author, feature film producer and television commentator.

Paul McGuire is the author of 22 books, such as the best-selling, “The Day the Dollar Died” and “Are You Ready for the Microchip? Paul is the host of the syndicated television show, The Paul McGuire Report. Paul McGuire hosted the nationally syndicated talk radio show, "The Paul McGuire Show" for 10 years. Paul McGuire is a television commentator and has been a frequent guest on the Fox News Network and CNN.

Paul is the producer of two science fiction films in Hollywood. The History Channel did a 2-hour special with Paul McGuire entitled “Seven Signs of the Apocalypse.” Paul has interviewed numerous world leaders, Presidents and Prime Ministers. Paul lives in Los Angeles, California.

At fifteen years old, Paul was demonstrating with radical activist Abbie Hoffman and made an honorary member of the Black Panther Party. However, while studying “Altered States of Consciousness” at the University of Missouri, Paul had a miraculous experience hitchhiking in a remote area similar to the movie “Field of Dreams.” Paul re-thought his socialist and humanist world view and rejected it as completely false. Paul has devoted his life to communicating truth to people.




David Wilcock: OLYMPICS 2012: A Mithraic Illuminati Ritual?



OLYMPICS 2012: A Mithraic Illuminati Ritual?

Written by David Wilcock

Tuesday, 21 August 2012 12:00


An increasingly-desperate Cabal of international bankers may have come out of the "cosmic closet" at the 2012 Olympics. The Mithraic / Illuminati ceremonial aspects seem so obvious that even the most hardened skeptics will have to take a second look.


by David Wilcock

 [PLEASE NOTE: You are encouraged to link to this article and post brief excerpts from it to help raise awareness, but we ask that you please not re-post it on other websites. Thanks!]




Historically speaking, most intelligent, self-respecting people have laughed scornfully at the idea that the world is being run by a highly organized and ruthless cult -- practicing a secret religion that is definitely not Christianity.


No one wants to be bothered with nightmares about a bloodthirsty group that is obsessed with ancient mystery-school teachings and may be seeking to kill people -- potentially in the billions -- to achieve their goals.


However, the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2012 Olympics were so blatant that we cannot afford to ignore the occult symbolism that was put on display. 





This was also the biggest show on Earth. The 2012 Olympics was the second most-watched event in American TV history -- at 210.5 million people.


Aug. 13: Olympics Second Most-Watched Event in US TV History


The 2012 London Olympics were the second most watched event in American TV history, early Nielsen ratings show....


A total of 210.5 million people tuned in to catch the 2012 London Olympics on the first 14 days, across NBCUniversal’s networks that include NBC, NBC Sports Network, MSNBC, CNBC, Telemundo and Bravo.


The 2012 viewership surpassed the audience of 209 million who watched the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, but lagged behind the 215 million U.S. viewers for the 2008 Beijing Games.



By the time you add in all the people in other countries, proudly following the Olympic Games to see how their athletes performed, the number of viewers could be well over half a billion people.


No other media event on Earth -- at least so far -- has ever attracted this many viewers. If you wanted to advertise the existence of a vast, secretive, super-wealthy cult to as many people as possible, this would be the best way to do it.


Despite the massive potential for misunderstanding and the obvious scrutiny of every detail, what we saw was an incredibly blatant display of weird, occult symbolism -- both before and especially after the Games.


Yes... it does seem like a comic-book storyline, pulled right out of a silly B movie script.


Nonetheless, if people are being hurt, or even killed by this group, then this cult must be exposed -- and their influence must be stopped.




Our story begins with a bizarre, enormous sculpture erected directly next to the Olympic Stadium -- the ArcelorMittal Orbit.


At 114.5 meters high, the ArcelorMittal Orbit is now the tallest building in the entire United Kingdom -- at least according to the official announcement of its release, which you can read here.

Even to the untrained eye, it looks suspicious -- even disturbing. Fashioned out of blood-red steel bars, it obviously resembles a snake coiled around a pillar -- possibly constricting and squeezing the life out of it:





This bizarre, towering sculpture was first announced, with computer-generated mockups of what it would look like, on March 31, 2010.


As you can see by reading the comments section in the following link, the announcement triggered a massive public backlash.


Almost everyone described it as a hideous, repulsive, ominous, even threatening eyesore:


ArcelorMittal Orbit Announcement




We have a building that could easily be interpreted as a stylized serpent coiled around a pillar -- much like the Biblical idea of Satan, the serpent, coiled around the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.


There are plenty of archaic pieces of art that depict this key Biblical scene in a very similar fashion as what we see in the ArcelorMittal Orbit.


The second illustration from the coin below may or may not be Biblical, but it nonetheless emphasizes that the coil winding around the pillar is clearly meant to be a serpent.





In order to fabricate the tallest building in the history of the UK, millions of dollars could be spent just on advertising and marketing research alone.


Obviously, someone in a quality control committee would have immediately raised a red flag about how easily this sculpture could be misinterpreted -- even if they were a first-year college student in marketing.


In fact, all anyone would have to do is show the design to their kid. Or anyone, for that matter! Two or three honest opinions would be enough to understand what the inevitable reaction would be.


The massive public outrage was totally predictable -- even inevitable. Whoever voted on this final design obviously did not care about the repercussions.





The ArcelorMittal Orbit was announced to be a "standing and completed work of art" as of May 14th, 2012:


May 14th: Bizarre Sculpture Outside Olympic Stadium Unveiled


For the first time, attendees to the unveiling will be able to travel up to the viewing platform and enjoy a panoramic view of up to 20 miles, encompassing the entire Olympic Park and London’s skyline beyond.


At 114.5m, the ArcelorMittal Orbit is the UK’s tallest sculpture and stands 22 metres taller than New York City’s Statue of Liberty.


“It gives me great pride to see the ArcelorMittal Orbit standing not only as a completed work of public art but as a physical symbol of the Olympic spirit,” comments Lakshmi N. Mittal, Chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal….



Notice the wording -- a "physical symbol of the Olympic spirit." Say what?!


Clearly this was not a random design. It was chosen for a very specific purpose-- to physically symbolize the "spirit" behind the Olympic Games!


What spirit?


This sculpture has an uncanny resemblance to a classic Biblical depiction of Satan, the serpent -- coiled around the Tree of Knowledge.


So yes -- this is weird stuff, and you may think it is all ridiculous and meaningless -- but there is overwhelming evidence that this cult exists, and they take these ritual symbols very seriously.


Staying in denial will not help you. Not anymore. We need to get to the bottom of this -- and do something about it.




As our excerpt continues, the wording gets even more interesting -- particularly if you consider that it may have been built to convey a symbolic message that was never overtly revealed.


May 14th: Bizarre Sculpture Outside Olympic Stadium Unveiled


ArcelorMittal Orbit unveiled to the world


Main construction of the London 2012 landmark is declared complete....


Boris Johnson: “This 114.5 metre-high attraction to trump rivals the world over is a calling card for investment in east London.


It is a symbol of prosperity and growth, backed by one of the world’s most astute business leaders, which delivers the strongest message that this part of London is open for business after decades of neglect.


“In addition to the £11billion plus investment that has taken place around the Olympics over the last four years, the ArcelorMittal Orbit will draw visitors to newly regenerated swathes of east London in perpetuity and has changed our skyline and aspirations forever….


Andrew Altman, Chief Executive of the London Legacy Development Corporation, said:


“The ArcelorMittal Orbit will become one of London’s most spectacular visitor attractions and a stunning backdrop to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.


“Not only will it offer differing views by day and night, but it will light up the East London skyline to become a beacon of the incredible transformation of this part of East London.”





Apparently a stylized depiction of Satan and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil is a "symbol of prosperity and growth" that "changes our aspirations forever."


Lucifer is considered to be the "light-bearer" -- and as we reported in Financial Tyranny, this worldwide cult definitely appears to have a Luciferian belief system.


They do draw a clear distinction between Lucifer, who they think is the misunderstood good guy, and Satan -- who they believe is only a myth.


The sculpture was designed and commissioned by "one of the world's most astute business leaders." This may not have attracted suspicion in the past, but after the LIBOR scandal and so many other data points, it definitely must be considered.


This stylized depiction of Satan and the Tree of Knowledge is said to "light up the East London skyline" and become a "beacon of the incredible transformation" of a "newly regenerated" London.


And of course, this undeniably serpent-like sculpture is also said to "trump rivals the world over." To "trump" means to defeat -- as in pulling out the "trump card" in a game, thereby allowing you to destroy your opponents.





So who are the "rivals" that this "physical symbol of the Olympic spirit" can "trump" -- i.e. defeat?


We are directly shown who they are -- in the diagram featured within this very same article.


This first image is just the right half of what we see in the article. There are lots of tall buildings they could have chosen -- but each of these monuments appears to have key ritual significance:



The Statue of Liberty is thought by many scholars to be a thinly-veiled symbol of Isis -- the female aspect of Lucifer in this hidden religion.


This is illustrated by the beams of light coming off of her head, the torch that symbolizes the "sacred fire of antiquity," i.e. the knowledge of the "Mysteries" -- and the book, symbolizing the hidden teachings of the organization.


Notice that the next in line is Nelson's Column -- a pillar with clear similarities to a stylized Egyptian obelisk. Isis is the female symbol of Lucifer and the obelisk -- a stylized phallus -- is Lucifer's male aspect, in the form of Osiris.


This male and female pairing of Luciferian symbols is then immediately followed by none other than Christ the Redeemer -- who is below them, thereby implying that he has been "trumped"!


Given the wording that we just saw in the same article -- a "physical symbol of the Olympic spirit" that can "trump rivals the world over" -- it is interesting that they would have stuck in a picture of Jesus as a "rival," being dwarfed by this serpent-like monument. 




The next sculpture beside Jesus in this lineup, the Angel of the North, has absolute ritual connotations as well. This steel sculpture was erected in 1998, in Newcastle, and is considered one of England's 12 official icons.


First of all, notice the interesting choice of wording on the official Visit Newcastle website:


As you approach Tyneside either via car or train, you are greeted by the welcoming wide-open arms of The Angel of the North as it comes into view.


Visited by over 150,000 visitors a year, people come from all over the globe to witness the huge structure in all of its flesh and glory.


The Angel of the North emits a strength and power that so many people enjoy on their first visit -- and many come back and visit again....

The Angel of the North is one of England’s 12 official icons. It is reported that every second the structure is seen by more than one person travelling by. That’s over 90,000 people everyday, or nearing 34 million each year.


Being in this position makes it one of the most viewed artworks in the entire world.







The interesting thing here is that this "angel" is clearly built to look like a synthesis of man and machine. It is a towering, faceless human figure with airplane wings -- all made out of steel.


Lucifer is considered to have "dominion" over the Earth in Biblical terms -- and this "angel" is very earthly. Its wings are not typically angelic or birdlike -- they are clearly mechanical, like a flying machine.






In order to decipher the mystery of who the "Angel of the North" really is, let's look in the Bible.


The answer is right here in the book of Isaiah:


Isaiah 14:12-15, "How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth. You who have weakened the nations!  


13 But you said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, and I will sit on the mount of assembly in the recesses of the north. 


14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’



Lucifer is the "Angel of the North."


According to this website, which we will discuss later, this is the only passage in the Bible where Lucifer is directly mentioned. In the King James Version, "morning star" or "son of the dawn" translates as the word Lucifer.


Therefore, the idea that Lucifer's throne is in "the recesses of the north" becomes a very important symbol for any practicing Luciferian -- as they really don't have much scripture to work with in the Bible.


The Angel of the North sculpture was clearly given airplane wings. Like the Bible quote about Lucifer, airplanes also ascend above the heights of the clouds -- in the course of a routine flight.


It is very interesting to reconsider the wording of the official Newcastle website -- in how they wanted to reveal the Angel of the North in "all its flesh and glory" so that it "emits a strength and power."





On January 24, 2011, the Angel of the North was "vandalized" by a very advanced team -- said to be "possibly ex-military" -- and was literally transformed into a gigantic bat-winged creature.


It could, of course, just be Batman -- but it also could be seen as a demonic figure with two horns and batlike wings.


Angel of the North Turned Into Bat-Winged Figure


Whoever is responsible, Gateshead woke up this morning to find that its iconic landmark, Angel of the North, had become Batman of the North – thanks to some new metal sheeting riveted to to the original statue.


“There must have been a team of them,” says Detective Inspector Roy Card.


“Highly organised, highly skilled. Possibly ex-military. Well-versed in the arts of stealth – vandals, in other words. Supervandals.


"They did the whole thing at night. No reports of lights on the hill. No reports of suspicious activity of any kind.


"They performed a complex industrial operation -- then faded into the night like smoke. Like ninjas made out of smoke.”


The statue, which looks over the A1 and A167, is drawing record crowds as visitors rush to see the ‘Gateshead Batman’ before he is returned to his former self.


 Very long post , to see more go to

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David closes with this statement:

Or, at the very least, they are hoping to traumatize us with fear -- so we will be too afraid to take a stand. The above article blatantly states that "public anger over the financial crisis is wr...
I, for one, will continue to pursue freedom and peace -- and I invite you to join me in the quest to free our planet.
This group can only continue to exist if it is kept secret. In this case, their desire for an orgy of ritual symbolism may prove to be their final undoing.


Now we will move ahead to the closing ceremonies -- where the symbolism became far more blatant.


In this first set of images, we see a fashion show in which one of the models is given a crown of golden beams coming off of her head -- a common Cabal image for Isis, the female aspect of Lucifer -- as also seen in the Statue of Liberty.


We also see Naomi Campbell wearing a headpiece that could easily be interpreted as devil horns, when seen from the front.



Comment by GizgazS 19 hours ago
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In George Michael's performance, he wore a stylized skull as a belt buckle.


This is precisely what we see on the 32nd-degree Masonic apron, as I revealed in Financial Tyranny -- minus only the crossbones beneath it.


Several authors noticed the irony of the words "FREEDOM" being written across the stadium seats during this performance while these blatant ritual images of financial tyranny were being presented.






From same site: effect signalling the imminent birth of the "Martian" baby.

Maybe, maybe not. Uncanny for sure but still just an impression... unless there was something more. And, of course, there is more...

Found this website from the comments to David Wilcock’s article on the London Olympics

It’s on the Illuminati symbols of the Olympics; including the face on Mars which DW missed.