

 Suzanne Lie.

January 5, 2018. 




Dear Ones, 
We the Arcturians, are sending you Unconditional Love and Violet Fire for the year of 2019. We also send Unconditional Love and Violet Fire into ALL the moments of the NOW that will continue throughout your entire incarnation on Gaia.
We, the Arcturians, wish to remind you that a powerful “New Years Resolution” would be to focus on welcoming the many higher dimensional versions of your own Multidimensional SELF into your daily, third/fourth-dimensional consciousness.
As you allow the energy fields of 2019 to expand your process of ascension, myriad aspects of your Multidimensional SELF will come into your awareness to remind YOU that we, the Arcturians, as well as other members of your Galactic Family, are ready to merge with you during the myriad events of your daily life!
Then we, the members of your Higher SELF, as well as your many lives on countless timelines, worlds, galaxies, and dimensions, will begin to connect like pearls on a necklace. It is through this “linking with your Higher SELF, that you will realize that your Multidimensional SELF is the pearls and YOU are...

Tags: arcturians, suzanne lie, the arcturians

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Shifting Realities and Changing Time ~ Arcturians, Suzanne Lie.


Shifting Realities and Changing Time 

The Arcturians via Suzanne Lie.


The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie
More and more, your third dimensional reality is changing and shifting. For example, the third dimension was once the only reality you had.  There was “Heaven,” but that was far away, and you could only get there by dying to your 3D earth vessel.
Now your third dimensional life is changing because the frequency rate of your current reality is beginning to transmute into the next octave of reality.
When you lived on the Ship, your Core Frequency was fifth-dimensional. However, you could move into your fourth dimensional frequency in order to communicate with the YOU that had taken a third dimensional, physical self.
It is imperative that more and more of our “volunteers to take an earth vessel” are able to expand their consciousness to include their fourth and fifth dimensional consciousness because it is yourstate of consciousness that dictates the frequency of the realities that you are able to perceive and experience.
You, our volunteers to Earth, have taken a human earth vessel to assist this society and planet with the process...

Tags: arcturians, suzanne lie, the arcturians

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(Duas Mensagens)
Por Ute Posegga-Rudel
Em 25 de setembro de 2012

Queridos Amigos!

Esta manhã eu acordei com a Nova Terra em minha visão e coração e com uma mensagem d'Ela para vocês!

Eu tenho a consciência de que quando eu A visitei poucos dias atrás, eu era Uma com Ela em Consciência Divina, significando que Ela Se abriu para Mim no Núcleo de Seu CORAÇÃO para que A experimentasse não como "outra", mas como a Consciência Subjetiva que Afinal todos nós Somos e assim Compartilhamos.

Portanto, eu não experimentei a criação na Nova Terra como lindos "objetos", mas simplesmente como expressões d'Ela Mesma, emanações diretas da Consciência Divina.

Eu não A vi, eu era Uma com Ela, então as criações d'Ela não eram diferentes de mim.

Eu acredito que isto é difícil de entender com a mente linear ou conceitual, mas eu preciso descrever para lhes transmitir a Verdade da Nova Terra.

Ela não é somente uma bela fantasia de desejos esperançosos, mas Ela é fundamentalmente uma Emanação da Realidade Divina que é anterior a todas as Criações.

Por favor, sigam a intuição de seu coração quando lerem isto e...

Tags: arcturians, the arcturians, ute, ute posegga-rudel

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