Eventually, all will be as one...
Channelled by Brenda Hoffman,
October 26th, 2018
Dear Ones,
Even though you wish to love all, the chaos in your outer world limits the scope of your love. You likely crossed off large groups of people because they seem so unlike you. Perhaps they are of a different political party than you align yourself with or are a different gender, age, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, or race.
Such is so to encourage you to find your base, your soul actions. But since that overview is not enough for many of you to accept those not of your thought processes, you experience guilt and fear.
For you believe you cannot be of 5D or beyond if you cannot accept those of the opposing team if you will.
That inner crisis is not as devastating as you now believe. Enmesh yourself in team activities if you wish. Eventually, all will be as one – but not yet for most of you.
This is a divisive time.
Even though you will...
be as one, brenda hoffman
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